June 2012 Moms

1st Ultrasound

Hi all!  I had my first ultrasound this morning with my RE.  I was so nervous going in - scared that the baby wouldn't be developing normally or something.  Well, we got in there and we could see the sac and the yolk sac, and the doctor could see the heartbeat, so that made me feel better.  Then she said that she saw another one in there!  I don't know when she got a chance to see that because I was watching the whole time, but she moved the wand, and there was the second sac and second baby!  I knew this was a possibility because we did have IVF, and they put 3 embryos in, but my symptoms have been so mild, I just thought we had a singleton.  Even the doctor was surprised, as she thought it was going to be a singleton also. 

Anyway, Baby A is measuring 6w5d and HR of 132 bpm, and Baby B is measuring 6w6d with a HR of 124 bpm.  We were able to hear both heartbeats, and they were so precious.  I think my husband is still in shock. 

Me: 37 Dx: PCOS 10/09, started Clomid 8/10
DH: 40 Dx: MFI 6/11
IVF #1: Lupron
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