Upstate NY Babies

SunnyGirl and others with kids sharing a room

I was just wondering if you had any advice/tips in regards to when and how you transitioned them into the same room.  I think that we are going to hold off for awhile, at least a little while, because I do not feel as if I am ready yet, but I want to start at least preparing myself mentally/emotionally for this :).  A sleeps in a PNP right next to me.  The boys will be sharing a room.  Right now, they go down within about 15 minutes of each other and sleep 12 hours, waking up usually within 30 minutes of one another. My biggest fear is disrupting this schedule.  E goes down super easy, and A takes a bottle and then goes down easy (usually).  Just looking to hear other's a side note, A naps in his crib (usually once per day) and plays in it during E's bathtime when DH is working, so I know that he will at least not be totally freaked out by the crib.  
imageimage PHOTO Credit: Meryl :)Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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