June 2012 Moms

Yesterday was...

Interesting to say the least.  I haven't had many symptoms this week.  Even my boobs haven't been too sore.  Then, all of a sudden, in the middle of a meeting about a kid, I just lost it.  I started crying for no good reason!  WTH?  I'm normally very even keel, especially at work.

Then I HAD to have pizza.  THEN the flatulence came back again and I had to pee like 3 times overnight.

 I feel a little better that I'm still getting symptoms, but I'm already planning to POAS this weekend to reassure me.  Those symptoms need to stick around a little better so I don't go crazy!

First appointment is in 10 days.  Yay!  That means that tomorrow I'll be in single digits.  I'm sure I'm due for at least one more freak out before then.

Oh, did I mention that DH is OOT?  Yeah, that's probably not helping the emotional roller coaster. 

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