Upstate NY Babies

37 wk ckup-Update

So I had my 37 wk ckup and another ultrasound yesterday. The good news is I found out my 3 hour GD test was negative, bad new is my fluid level has risen so now I definitely am classified as having polyhydramnios. They said now that they have ruled out the GD their main concern is the size of the baby. Teagan was below the average for size when she was born...only being 6 lbs 4 oz and I had a 2nd degree tear. Now DH thinks the only reason I tore with her was because when her head came out the cord was around her neck so tight that Dr. could barely get his two fingers under it to cut it and her apgar score was only a 4....they had trouble getting her to breathe so the Dr. pulled her out quickly on my next push instead of letting me take my time. Anyway they are worried that because I had trouble delivering that size baby that I will have trouble this time possibly running into shoulder dystocia and having a 4th degree tear from that or just purely due to the larger size of this baby. He said he's had one case of shoulder dystocia in his career and that once that happens you've basically reached a point of no return because at that point it's more dangerous to try and push the baby back in and try to do an emergency c-sec so they had to use the vacuum on her. Due to that she had a 4th degree tear and needed reconstructive surgery. I remember how painful it was just healing from a 2nd degree tear so the thought of healing from a 4th, makes me think healing from a c-sec would be easier. They are going to continue to do weekly ckups and ultrasounds to monitor things. So he said I have 3 things I could do; a c-sec, an early induction, or just do nothing and take the chance at the risks that may be involved in a vaginal delivery. It's just a tough decision to make and I don't know what to do. What would you do?
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