June 2012 Moms

**Even More Updates!** update - back from 1st appt

And frustrated! So we went for our 1st appt. It was standard annual with pap and I bled afterwards. The OB talked about testing and options, blah blah blah. She thought I felt bigger than my current "8wks" (she is basing it off my LMP) and gives prescription for u/s - next door while I get my b/w there. Excited to have u/s, and we walk in and the rude receptionist barks that I don't have an appt. I explained that the nurse called me on Tuesday and said she was scheduling one for me with my appt today so I assumed I did. She says no. I leave and in the lobby, I call my OB's office to tell them I was turned away and still didn't have my b/w done. They told me to go back in there and request my b/w. So back I go to rudy lady and she says they can take me for the b/w and apologized that I was misinformed about the u/s. whatever....get my bloodwork done and call to scheudle u/s once in car. The next available appt is.....11/4. So I take it and now I realize I am on a business trip that day so I need to reschedule. I wouldn't have cared if the nurse didn't tell me on Tuesday that I would get one so now I am let down and frustrated. And who knows when I will get one now! (Sorry for typos - on my BB). Definitelt not telling our parents this weekend as planned. Thanks for listening!

ETA: additional updates at the bottom.

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