Upstate NY Babies

Help me figure this out (sleep related)

I thought that I might be lucky this time around and have a good sleeper, but it doesn't look like that's the case. 

We put Thomas to sleep around 7:30-8pm, he'll go until 11-midnight and then DH gives him a bottle of BM.  He sleeps downstairs in the PNP until he falls back asleep after that feeding, and DH brings him up to our room.  He'll sleep in the RNP until 3-4am, where I feed him again and he goes back to sleep.  So far, so good.  But after that feeding in the middle of the night, he is super fussy and gassy and wakes up really frequently.  We do a cycle where he fusses, I give him a pacifier and rock him a little bit, he'll go back to sleep for anywhere from 10 minutes-30 minutes, and then the cycle repeats itself over and over until morning.  I'm almost positive it's a gas issue, but I give gas drops and do bicycle legs, and there's really nothing more I can do about it.  His reflux is under control, so I don't think it's that.

Anyone ever experience something similar and have advice?  I don't even care if he ate every 3 hours at night, just as long as he slept in between the feedings and didn't fuss constantly. 

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