June 2012 Moms

How are you girls telling your families so far?

With the boyfriend being in the Navy our families are all over the place!  We still haven't told our Mama's.  My mom is on vacation and his mom is on the other side of the countrySad.  We have his mom squared away, we just can't seem to figure out exactly how to get it to her.  We plan on making a package with pictures and a bear with the recording of the baby.  We don't know if we want to do it in person when he see her next (christmas) or send it to her and have her skype us before she opens it.  I still have no idea how I'm going to tell my mom...I have one more week to figure it out!  I want to put the dog in a big brother shirt but i just dont know!  Any ideas?  How are you guys doing this???
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