June 2012 Moms

PGAL question...or anyone RH-Negative

So my first pregnancy I had a pretty horrible ob. When it came to my M/C it took them THREE days to get back to when I was supposed to get a call back that afternoon. All they told me is that I had a loss and here were some meds to jump start my cycle. I had to go to dr.google to even get an idea of what happened because it aparantley wasn't worth his time to discuss it with me.

Yesterday I got a call from my new midwife talking to me about my bloodwork. Aparantly I am RH-Negative and my previous OB never told me this! Now my midwife didn't seem overyly concrned, but I know that bein RH negative I should have gotten a shot after my m/c right? Anyone had experience in this category?

I'm going to call to today and ask about it because I was in a M/S fog yesterday and was more focused on getting relief for that than asking questions :/

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