June 2012 Moms

Lurking since BFP on Sunday (M/C Mentioned)

Hello?  I have been lurking this board since I got a faint BFP on Sunday.  Actually it was BFN digital but when my hormones made me rip that bad boy open to see 2 lines I considered myself pregnant!  I took more tests until the digital came back BFP.  I?ve had 2 miscarriages this year so I wanted to know ASAP that this baby is going to be alright.  I know in my heart that this is the baby that I?ll be bringing home, but I still requested beta testing.  I went in on Wednesday and they have confirmed that I am in fact pregnant with a level of 187.  It?s awesome because the Nurse told me it puts me at about 4 weeks.  At that point according to my calculations I was 3 weeks and 5 days so I?m right on track as of right now.  I got another blood draw this morning and I?m confident that it will be good too!  I?m excited to announce that I might be having a June bug with an EDD of June 29.  Who knows it might be July being that late in the month lol.

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