Single Parents


Hi, I am a semi-lurker and I wanted to introduce myself. I am in the middle of getting divorced. We have temporary orders in place, and are scheduled for mediation on Halloween. My STBXH was physically, emotionally, mentally, and verbally abusive towards me for many years. I left him once in 2009, but was naive enough to believe his lies that he was sorry and working on himself. He struck me in both of my pregnancies, threatened to kill me several times, and much more. We are going for a custody evaluation. Long story short is I fled to TX where my entire family lives. I had a crappy atty to start with who told me not to worry about not being there 6 months there was no way they would force me back. Well, they did. So STBXH is paying for us to live in the 'marital residence.' I was/am a SAHM to my DS who is 2.5 and my DD who is 10 months. DS has a rare genetic metabolic disorder and was not allowed in daycare. I have a job waiting for me in TX if I can get back to TX, I can't find a thing here. We are hoping to relocate permanently back to TX if we can. 

So far STBXH has returned my DS 23.5 hours after his court ordered time to have him back (once), DS has come home with questionable marks and bruises (I took him to the pedi to have them checked and she called CPS on STBXH but they won't do anything but make a report for now). Both of my kids have come home famished (this can kill my DS), and with at least 3-5 bug bites on them the last 4 or so weeks they have gone to his mom's house (where he is living) for visitation. They currently go every weekend, which is insane.

I left in January, filed in March, and really hope to be done with this before my son turns 3 this January. 

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