June 2012 Moms

not getting many answers on 1st tri =(

Sunday, I went to the ER having extreme left sided pelvic pain. Right before I went I had decided to take an HPT and found out on CD73 that I was pregnant. When I went they did hcg levels. My levels were 500 on Sunday with a large cyst on my left ovary but no gestational sac. They said it could possibly be ectopic. Well I went into the doctor Tuesday morning for blood levels and they said that my levels were at 1200 but they did not order an ultrasound. Wednesday I went back for blood levels and an ultrasound! There was a gestational sac but you couldn't see a yolk sac or anything. He ordered blood levels and progesterone levels because he said there was accumulated blood in my uterus. He called today and said my levels were 1800 on wed and my progesterone was 34 so everything looked good. I go in tomorrow for blood work and another ultrasound. I don't know what to expect because I gave up temping at day 56 thinking I was out and have NO CLUE how far along I am. Really hoping to see something in there this time and extremely nervous.Has anyone had this happen? Also, how long did it take you to find out how far along you were? They guessed between 2 and 3 weeks after conception. Just a bundle of nerves and hoping to keep this baby.
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