June 2012 Moms

Couldn't see anything :(

We just got back from our first ultrasound and they couldn't see anything!  So annoying!  We were really hoping they could see something so we could get an idea of the due date. My last blood work showed everything was looking up so maybe we're just much earlier along than we thought we were?  Oh well. Guess Iget to drink all that water again next week in preparation for another appointment. 
BFP #1 on 10/2/11 - Bambishka's EDD 6/5/12, Blighted Ovum, D&C on 11/9/11
BFP #2 on 2/10/12 - Little Nugget's EDD 10/23/12, Natural Miscarriage on 2/29/12
BFP #3 on 6/7/12 - BB's EDD 2/19/13, arrived 2/18/13! <3<BR> Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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