June 2012 Moms

S/O weird dreams

Since DH has been out of town working for the last 3 weeks, I've had the strangest dreams. They're mostly about people breaking into our house and trying to hurt me. This afternoon my nap time dream was about someone breaking into my house and trying to kill me. I ran to get my husband's gun and ducked on the side of my bed waiting for them to come into the room. When they opened the door, I shoot and the bullet just falls on the floor like in a cartoon. Each time when I get the chance to call the police it ends up that they don't believe me when I say these people are after me. I've had weird dreams before but with these dreams I feel like a psych patient until I wake up. I know no one is after me in real life but I'd rather have dreams about babies and Teddy bears chasing me not this. Unfortunately we are unsure of when DH can come home but I'm praying it'll be soon.
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