June 2012 Moms

telling the kids...when?

whe  i was pregnant wit #2, my daughtee waa under two so we never really had the youre going to be a big sister conversation until she asked about my belly. she was too young to eavesdrop.

now im preg wit #3, and have kids who would overhear mommy  and daddy talking abou baby especially since they know all about my very pregnant SIL.

 so when is a good time to tell the kids? Obviously before i tell anyone else, but should we wait until first trimester is over just in case? any experience? 

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker Married Nov 2005 SAHM to DD (July 2007) and DS (May 2009). Med free hospital births. Pregnant with #3 due June 24, 2012. My Ovulation Chart
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