June 2012 Moms

Weird Dream...

Let me say that I've had weird preminitions before that have happened.  

I had a dream last night that I tripped and fell while running. When I was laying on the ground, I saw what I tripped over, and it was a conjoined carrot that was sticking out of the ground. (Who the F dreams about carrots?!) after finding the carrot, I kept running into things that were in twos... I had to choose between two old doors which were exactly the same to go through, I saw my current car  twice, and didn't know which one to go into, and two hot air balloon baskets flying minus the balloon. (Hey, I ate ice cream before bed, I blame that for the weird dream).

I couldn't help but think this morning about the multiples of objects I saw in my dream and thought, could it be a sign of twins? So curiousity got me and I searched about what it means to dream about carrots. Here is what I found:


'To dream of carrots, portends prosperity and health For a young woman to eat them, denotes that she will contract an early marriage and be the mother of several hardy children.'
'To see a carrott signifies abundance. It may also sympolize a lure, as in the pun "dangle a carrot" '
Any other weird dreams??
Crash Bandit
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