June 2012 Moms

Interesting/difficult conversation (m/c mentioned, my little alien still healthy)

First of all, I haven't a m/c, FX that my little alien continues to grow and thrive.

I told my family, including my 11 yr old sister, who has some significant delays, and is only about 7/8 at an adjusted age. She was so excited about the baby, and with m/c still a scary thought, and being so early in 1st trimester, I wanted to talk to her about the possibility of it happening, but without scaring her. 

So when I saw her yesterday I told her this:

"Sometimes when there's a baby in a mommy's belly, it's sick, and God doesn't want the baby to be born sick, so He takes the baby back to Heaven and the baby becomes an angel that watches over the mommy and daddy until they go to Heaven and can meet their baby."

She seemed to be okay with all this, and was happy that God brings the baby back to Heaven, etc. But now that I think about things in hindsight, I almost wish I had waited to tell until the possibility of a m/c decreased more. I'm glad that we DID tell people, because, heaven forbid something happen, I have an amazing support system.

Do you think that was an appropriate way to explain a m/c to a kid, born and raised Catholic, in Catholic school ....? 

Sorry for my ramblings....

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