June 2012 Moms

Weird 1st Midwife appt?

Just had my first appointment today with the midwife.  I chose a midwife because they spend more time with you and I didn't want to feel rushed by some Dr. who didn't have time to answer my questions, but this was...a little strange.

 We had a good 45 minutes and did discuss a lot of ?s, but she didn't ask me anything about family history, give me a pee test or an exam or anything.  She did order a blood test but couldn't perform it there.  PLUS I was hoping we'd get to do an ultrasound or hear the heartbeat today but no dice until at least 8 weeks.

 Do you think this is normal?  She was nice, but everyone was so mellow I swear they were smoking pot before I arrived.  Should I be debating switching to a dr?

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