June 2012 Moms

So happy with our first appointment today!

We had our first appointment today with an OB that was recommended to me by my gynecologist.  When I called to make the appointment I was so glad that they would see me so early on, because this is all so new and nerve wrecking to me. I asked when the first u/s would be, and they said around 8 weeks. We got there today, met with the doctor, and we had an ultrasound! We got to see the sac, yolk sac, and the fetal pole (barely) but it was great and real made it feel "real". The doctor said the baby was measuring on target.  It was such a pleasant surprise. They also took a bunch of blood and asked about family history. I can't wait until we can see the heartbeat, which they said we would be able to see at the next appointment, which is in two weeks. Thanks for letting me share. 
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