Upstate NY Babies

New Here! and a question...

Hi Everyone!

My name is Marissa. I just moved here (the Syracuse area) from NJ (originally from RI) with my husband and 11mo old daughter. I just want to say hi! I look forward to getting to know you all. Already, people seem much nicer here than anywhere else I've ever lived. So that' great. I live in Liverpool to be exact. Anyone out there with a baby around the same age?

And now for my question: I have been scouring the internet trying to find a half decent place to board my dog. All I can seem to find are places with terrible reviews (dogs dying). I don't know if I should believe them or not? I'm really hoping to find a personal recommendation. There were so many places in NJ where the dogs got a lot of attention or had the option of doggie daycare. I'll take anywhere that will keep my dog safe and alive at this point! ;)

Thanks in advance!


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