Upstate NY Babies

Middle Name-WWYD

So I'm having a bit of a Middle Name dilema too. DH's Dad passed away suddenly and very unexpectedly 4 months after we got married, so we had always said if we ever had a boy we would use FIL's first name (Lawrence) as baby boy's middle name to honor him. I was always fine with this until after we had T. I decided to keep my maiden name and add my married name to it (without a hyphen, just a space) because it was just my sister and I in my family with no boys to carry on my Dad's name and I felt strongly about doing that to honor my Dad and my family. I wanted T to have the same last name I did, but DH was dead set that he did not want our children to have a double last name, so I gave in on this and she only has DH's last name. So with the thought of us possibly having a boy this time I asked DH how he would feel about using my Dad's first name (Charles) as the baby's middle name, because the baby will have DH's last name that he will carry for life honoring DH's family & Dad in that way. It's a very touchyemotional subject for DH and he doesn't see that as honoring his Dad so usually the conversation gets dropped without having a solution. What do you think? Am I being unreasonable asking this? What would you do?
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