Single Parents

I need advice...**UPDATE**

I came across a text conversation between my H and a good friend of mine (who happens to be the wife of H's best friend)....but he had deleted the beginning half of the conversation...what I came across was this:

H:  U got quiet
F:  Yeah, I thought E (me) was home...
H:  Yeah she is, but I'm at the fire house
F:  Oh...haha
H:  Text me whenever tomorrow and have a fun last couple minutes of work
F:  Ok...I'm clocking out now...can't wait to go to bed.
H:  haha
F:  Have a good night
H:  You too

H swears up and down that nothing is going on, that she was texting him asking him questions about an upcoming CPR class at the firehouse.  I asked why he told her to text him tomorrow (today) and he said to let him know if she was going to take it...even though he's not in charge of it.  Although, he is the chief. I asked him why he cared if she was taking it and why he didn't tell her to go the person in charge.  He has never done anything in the past to make me think he'd cheat...however, other douchebags in my past have.  And I don't quite trust her...she flirts and flaunts very easily.

H and I laid in bed for 2 hours lastnight, talking, crying, him pleading his undying love for me...but I can't just let it go.  I texted her and asked if she was texting him..she said yes, yesterday, and I asked about what.  She said the CPR class, but that my H didn't know any of the answers, so she had to ask someone else.  According to H he told her everything.

I don't know if I'm over-reacting because of my past or what...but something in my gut isn't sitting right....I've been sick about it all day...I've talked to DH a few times, and he still sounds upset about it too....

Getting it out kinda helped...the person IRL I'd normally vent the girl involved.  Sad

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