Single Parents

Scared of doing it alone..

I am due in 9 days and the baby's dad is just now talking to me again since July...b.c he hasn't had a phone I guess. He texted me last week and I didn't really know how to handle it, if I should be calm and handle it well which I usually do, or blow up on him about everything. I asked if he was going to be at the hospital when I go into labor, he said idk if I wanna be there...he won't come until after he sees a picture of the baby. (bc he thinks the baby could be someone else's and he's not) So I said don't even come at all then, that's your choice. The last time we talked about names was before July..and he didn't like any of mine. He said it's hard to agree on a name that he has no part in? I was confused..then he said he'll think of one and it's been days and he hasn't gotten back with me. So at this point, I'm naming my son whatever I want and the dad will have to deal since he has "no part". I still love him...and wanted to be with him, but I know I deserve better than that and I want him to see his son but I can't force him. He has a 10 mo. old daughter with his ex too. I don't want a relationship with him bc of how bad he's hurt me throughout this whole pregnancy. I'm just scared of not finding anyone who will accept me and my baby :( Ik it will be hard, I just don't know how I'll do it alone and hoping the dad will help out and get to know his son. Then I think of holidays coming up like Thanksgiving and Christmas and his family will be coming from out of state and I just wonder if the baby will get to meet them, or if I willl have to be w/ the dad at his family gatherings  with the baby just so he can see them.We get along great when we see each other, so Idk how awkward it would be if I was there.. Idk..I'm thinking ahead and don't know how to handle it. Well I feel better..any advice would be great :)
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