June 2012 Moms

Sometimes, I just don't know about people...

So I told my friend at work (I'm out at work bc of job duties) that I was stressed out about my pg.  She asked why so  I told her about it being twins, but only seeing one HB, etc. 

SO she says that her friend has identical twins- a boy and a girl.  Okay, boy/girl twins are fraternal.  She insists they are identical.  I point out that one is male and the other female so their DNA is not identical- they are fraternal.  She says no they look just alike.  That's bc they're twins.... but one has boy parts and the other has girl parts........ ugh.

....... I have a migraine now after this 15 min. discussion.

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BFP 1 | EDD 4.1.11 | MMC D&C 10.27.10 | 14 weeks
BFP 2 | EDD 9.29.11 | MC 1.25.11 | 6 weeks
BFP 3 | EDD 3.4.12 | MC 9.5.11 | 10 weeks
BFP 4 | Twins EDD 6.7.12 | MC James 10.31.11 Kellen 1.12.12 | 8 weeks/19 weeks

BFP 5 | EDD 12.24.12 | Rainbow Baby in the Making!
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**Formerly known as Nikki04vb**
? PGAL/PAL Welcome ?
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