June 2012 Moms

Joining here, hopefully!

Hello ladies!  I will hopefully become a regular member here, I just got my first positive HPT last night at about 8-9DPO! Here is a picture of it, its soooo faint, so I'm not getting my hopes up yet but I will keep testing using FMU starting tomorrow with a FRER and if the lines get darker I will go get my blood test next week when I take my DD to get her flu shot! 


My name is Danielle, my partners name is Mikel :D we live in Seattle, WA & I'm 23, he is 28. We have our own home, and I am currently working on my MA in Psych, I will be finished with it right around when the baby is born, I do not plan on taking anytime off (I didn't with my daughter either!). We have an almost three year old daughter, Chloe! And she is so happy to be a big sister :D We're crossing our fingers for a little boy this round!  This was also our first cycle TTC!


Here a picture of my pregnancy test:



Heres one comparing it to the LH dip I took earlier that day, so you can see where the line is supposed to be/is, in case you cannot see it in the first picture!




I'm due June 29th 2012, which happens to also be my birthday! :D  Cross your fingers that I have a sticky baby & I don't end up with a C/P or M/C :/ 



Danielle xox 

Lilypie Trying to Conceive 21 to 37 day cycle tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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