June 2012 Moms

Intro and another 2u2!

Hi Ladies!

I'm Kristin. I just found out last week that I am expecting #2! We got pregnant the first time we didn't use protection post partum. This is SUCH a surprise since I was diagnosed with unexplained infertility and took 13 cycles to conceive my first son James. 

James is 14 months and will be 22 months when #2 arrives (EDD June 17, 2012). So I will have 2u2 for just 6 weeks.

I am still breastfeeding and was told to stop nursing but after doing some research I have decided to continue on. This pregnancy is already SO much different from the last. Last pregnancy I had hyperemesis gravidarum starting at about 6.5 weeks and went through 33 weeks. I lost 16 pounds before ever gaining any weight. Not too many symptoms at all this pregnancy (although it's still early). Maybe lower progesterone levels from BFing will keep m/s away? Wishful thinking ;)

So happy to be here and get to know my fellow June mamas! Congrats all around :) 

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