June 2012 Moms

Sleepin on the couch tonight... UGH

So DH calls me just before lunch and says he's sick and he'll probably be coming home to sleep as soon as work is over. Wonderful! Of course, I had to wash/change the sheets, Oust the entire house, sanitize whatever I can, wash my hands a bajillion times, and then set up the couch for me to sleep on (no sense having him sleep here since he's been upstairs germing up the bedroom for hours now!). All this while I'm nauseated as all get out and starving but unable to eat much at all because I gag at the smell of food (and let's face it, one can only take so many saltine crackers in a day lol). Oh yeah, and I had to cook dinner for DS9 and take care of 2 dogs - 1 of which is a big lab who's driving me absolutely nuts because he's been so needy the last few weeks! AND, the lab broke his tie out that we use to let him out to play (we don't have a fenced yard), so every single time he wants to go out, I've had to hook him on a leash and take him out. UGH! Today is just annoying!

So, there's my rant. Thanks for listening to me whine. I've exhausted myself looking at TB. So, now I'm going to attempt to sleep on this oh so comfy couch! haha Hey, who knows, I might get better sleep on this than in my bed. Not like I've gotten much there this week anyway Smile Positive thoughts, right??? Good night ladies!

BFP 9/8/10... D&C 10/18/10
RIP Angel Bear We will always love and miss you xoxo

BFP 10/7/2011; EDD 7/15/12 - STICK BABY STICK!!!!

IAmPregnant Ticker
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