June 2012 Moms


I got a faint BFP today. I'm very very very nervous! This will be my 6th pregnancy. I have 1 DD that is 8 and since then I have have 4 losses. I have already called my Dr and I go in for blood work tomorrow AM and Friday AM. So will see what happens. I really can't get happy yet until I know that everything will be ok. 


Wife to Michael 5/25/02 Mom to Reilly 3/13/03 BFP 12/10/12 Beta 12/12/12: 351 @16 dpo Beta 12/17/12: 2999 @21 dpo Beta 12/20/12: 7539 @24 dpo Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers BabyFruit Ticker
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