June 2012 Moms

1st appt in the AM

And I'm getting nervous. I'd know what to expect if I was going to an OB, but for seeing a MW, I'm imagining something completely different. When I spoke to them, I told them that I wasn't sure the date of my lmp, its been screwy since having DS, so I'm not sure to expect to have a dating u/s or what, especially since the woman I spoke to didn't say anything about one. I'm hoping I'll get one, since part of our plan to tell parents involves an u/s picture, but the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced I'm not going to get one.
Nursed without dairy, egg, soy, peanut, treenut, fish, shellfish or beef for over a year.
Currently tandem nursing dairy, egg, and shellfish free.
DS born via emergency c/s after 20 hrs of labor. DD successful VBAC!
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