June 2012 Moms

Good news at my appt!

So, from what I've been hearing from the Canadian mama's on here and from my friends in real life, early ultrasounds are really rare in Canada unless the doctor has concerns about the pregnancy.

But when I went in for my 1st appt. yesterday (really only an "informational" appt.), the nurse explained that my family doctor has started to send her patients for early 6-8 week ultrasounds. Which means I get to see our little bean asap!

I'm sure that seeing that little sac will definitely make this pregnancy more "real" to my husband and I.

I can't wait!

BFP #1 MM/C discovered at 8w2d, loss 11/18/11
I'll hold you in my heart until I hold you in heaven
BFP #2 7/7/12, EDD 3/14/13, stick baby stick!
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