June 2012 Moms

thoughts on my BFP reveal?


If all goes well at our Friday appt, we plan to tell our parents over the weekend. We still haven't given our parents any wedding photos (way overdue, don't even ask) so I was planning to print out a stack for my mom and another for MIL. Hopefully if we get an u/s pic, we would make that the last photo. Knowing both of our moms, they will ooh and ahh at each picture for a ridiculous amount of time and then get to the u/s pic last. I also plan to purchase those cute white sonogram frames from kohls to frame this pic and update as we go.

As for my silbings, I have a large family with plenty of SILs. I have 1 niece and 1 nephew from different brothers/SILs. We are all getting together inbetween Thanksgiving and Christmas since we can't all see each other on the actual holidays. I plan to buy two tees from Zoe's Attic. For the oldest, her shirt will say "I am going to be a big cousin...again!" and the little one's will say "I am getting a new baby cousin!". I plan to snatch up the kiddies and change their shirts in another room and let them walk in and see who notices.

I just thought of this today so I may/will probably change my mind. Thoughts?

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