June 2012 Moms

Second time + moms opinions and input wanted!

I was just wondering if I was alone in that this pregnancy feels so different so far when compared with my pregnancy with my dd7.  I am bloated out to there, and with my dd I stayed skinny for a long time.  I have m/s and back pain.  The only symptom I am experiencing that I remember is the increased discharge! 

And of course when my mind wanders, I wonder if this means that:

-Since I am almost eight years older pregnancy is harder on me now than it was back then (depressing thought!)

-I am having a boy vs a girl (this is what my dh hopes- he feels outnumbered in our house ;)

- or that I just can't remember what it was really like being pregnant since it was so long ago?  (probably the most realistic one of the bunch)

So second time (and more) moms, did all your pregnancies feel different and if so, did that mean the baby was a different sex, easier baby, etc?  Just curious!

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