June 2012 Moms

Switching docs?

The office I go to in my town is a small hospital with no nicu - office A.  Therefore I am delivering at a large great hospital about 25 min away - office B. (well that is my plan at least)

I have my first consultation appt. Monday at 5w 5d just to do bloodwork and such at office A.

Office A says they will give me another appt. at 8 weeks to do the full work up with the u/s, exams, and lab work.

Office B won't give me that 2nd appt. till 10-12 weeks.

I am thinking of doing the 2nd appt. at my office A just so I can get the u/s and hear the heartbeat earlier even though I have no intentions of delivering there.

What is your opinions on this - I did wonder if I get my 2nd here at 8 weeks...when will my new OB (office B) schedule another appt.?

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