June 2012 Moms

Update on Bleeding Episode

I want to thank everyone for their really helpful comments and information regarding this bleeding episode.  I just got back from the RE's office.  I don?t know anything yet.  When I got to the RE?s office, they told me the doctor decided no u/s after all.  He said it?s too early to tell anything and they also don?t want to cause any further problems with a vaginal u/s.  So they just drew blood.  I guess we?ll know by the hormone levels whether I?m still pg or not (I guess from the Hcg?) and can adjust the progesterone higher to stop the bleeding.  They did tell me that this happens ALL the time, especially with women who do IVF.  So chances are we?re okay.  But we won?t know for sure until we get the lab results this afternoon.  The good news is, I only had some very minimal, BROWN spotting this morning.  The thing is, I?m never quite sure where the line is drawn between spotting and bleeding.  (TMI alert)  I mean, there wasn?t much of anything on the panty liner, but when I wiped, it seemed like a whole LOT of red.  So was that spotting or bleeding? I don?t know.  Apparently it?s also bad if I had painful cramps, which I did not.  No pain.  Just an awareness of something going on in the area.  It?s just been very scary, and of course DH is out of the country right now.  So I get to freak out on my own.  Also, since I?m bleeding and I'm rh negative, they?re finding out from the doctor how soon I need to get the rhogam shot.  So, thanks to you all and the nurse at the RE's office, I?m no longer positive that I?ve lost the baby.  In fact, I?m hopeful that I did not.  But I?ll know for sure this afternoon.  Let me tell you, I'd feel a whole lot more confident if I started throwing up about now!  In the meantime, I'm keeping my feet up and watching tv for the rest of the day.  Whoopie's giving 'em hell on The View!  ;-)
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