Single Parents

Ugh. tired of it all..... VENT!

So, i still don't know the bump lingo much but anyway..... My xbf 1st denied this baby was his... Now, he is saying that he is willing to be in the baby's life & wants to be in my life & still loves me, but then all of a sudden changes his mind, right when i start giving him a chance. The only way he contacts me right now is by email since i had changed my number bc i wanted nothing to do with him, but in reality..... i still love him, miss him & want him. I've given him dates & times of dr. appts. i've had but he hasn't showed... he does live 3 hrs away now, but still, i think if he really did want us he would make a bigger effort, wouldn't he? Ugh. I'm so tired of these games he's playing & it hurts so much to be "wanted" one min & ignored the next? ;.( fml.......
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