June 2012 Moms

And the hits keep coming...another illness!

What is going on with me? I cannot stay well for 5 minutes! The week before we conceived, I came down with a nasty case of strep throat, so when the magic moment happened (well after I thought I had ovulated and was past the window), I was still on heavy antibiotics. Then on the heals of our BFP, I wound up running a fever of 103 and having an awful sore throat...antibiotics here we come again. Now what we thought was strep seems to actually be Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease that I caught from one of my students. Ack! I have been on prenatal vitamins and supplements for months now. I wash my hands and clean the classroom constantly. What am I doing wrong? I am scared my baby is going to pop out with an amoxicillin addiction! Is anyone else catching everything under the sun right now?

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