Upstate NY Babies

When to ditch the sippy?

R has no problem drinking from a cup at the table. However I still find myself giving a sippy, even with meals. He usually doesn't finish the drink, so I end up using a second cup anyway so he can walk around with the drink.

I have a cupboard FULL of sippies....way too many but I can't break the sippy cycle! lol I bring him a sippy of milk every morning when he wakes for the day, then he has his juice with breakfast. When that is gone I refill with water and he can sip on it until lunch. We also always let him have a sippy of water in the car. I do have a couple of spill resistant ( we all know NOTHING is spill proof) water bottles, maybe I should try those for awhile and only give the sippy in the a.m.?

Does your toddler still use the sippy mainly, or do you have your cupboard space back?  

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