Single Parents

Came to an agreement at mediation today

I was feeling pretty relieved, but then my stepmom flipped out on me when I got home and now I feel like crap again.

Ex will start having supervised visitation next month and eventually, after a few months of this and having DD for longer stretches of time, he will have her for 1 overnight EOW. After a little while of this he will have her for 2 overnights EOW. I will still retain sole legal and physical custody. I can have Ex drug tested at any time, and I do not have to let him see DD if he appears intoxicated. I feel like this is what's best, and I don't think I would get anything really different if I fight it in court. Oh, he will also start paying CS next month, and it is a reasonable amount.

I just hope that for the first few visits he and I can get along and he will let me stay there so she can get used to him and his family while I'm still there.

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