June 2012 Moms

VENT!!!! In-Laws

Ok lets start this little story with some great news. I had my first doctors appointment and U/S today and my little guy measured 6 weeks 1 day (only 2 days behind) with a great little heartbeat :) I was on cloud 9 and we came home and sent the picture to our parents and friends that we had already told. Shortly after we received a phone call from my mil and fil informing us that they were very excited but we better not say anything on facebook and I better not tell anyone else before we tell the whole family. Needless to say with my crazy hormones I was FURIOUS.

A. I told people I would need for support and quite frankly if it were up to me they still wouldn't know because they are far from supportive (see my post from about a month ago where sil told me I deserved my loss).

B. I didn't want to tell the whole family until about 12 weeks when we were more comfortable that we would make it full term, and I wasn't announcing on Facebook until probablly christmas time.

Then DH called sil to tell her and she instantly started in about how I shouldn't buy anything, I can just have all her daughters old stuff and then infromed us we were idiots for telling the family at 6 weeks (remember MIL and FIL made us tell her).

It's so petty. I know it is. But I am really about to bust!

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