Upstate NY Babies

Switching day cares

Stella has been going to a day care center part time since she was 8 weeks old.  We love the infant teacher and she's done well there, aside from crying at pretty much every drop off (ugh!).  But she's transitioning to the toddler room now and when I took her there one day I was not impressed at all.  There were hardly any books and there was a TV in the room.  I'm assuming the TV was for the school age kids that are there before and after school, but still. 

Anyway, my Mom's next door neighbor watched kids in her home for a long time but stopped after they all went off to school and she got pregnant with her son (he's 3 now).  She has recently decided to take in kids again and asked my Mom if we'd be interested. 

It was a really hard decision for us, especially trying to decide if we wanted to uproot Stella and transition her to a new place.  But ultimately we decided that the money we'd be saving and quality of care were reason enough to switch.  I can't believe we'll be paying less money/day for 2 kids than we're paying right now for 1!  I'm both excited and nervous about the change.

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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