June 2012 Moms

1st pregnancy and spotting..

This weekend DH and I were visiting my IL's and my 5yr old niece jumped on my lap  - she landed right on my uterus and when I went to the bathroom shortly after I had my first bit of spotting. There was just a bit of it, then nothing until today. But it's back and I'm so scared.

This is my first pregnancy... m/c scares me soo much. DH is so thrilled about this baby - he is being extra cautious with driving, being sure to make a hot breakfast every morning, pack me a lunch for work. He is overjoyed at the thought of having a baby - he's been wanting a child for soo long. He adores his nieces and is heartbroken when we leave them to come home.

I want so badly for this pregnancy to go well, for the spotting to be nothing, but I'm so scared...and I have no idea what is normal, what is not, or what to do about any of this...

pregnancy pregnancy
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