Upstate NY Babies

Update on our bottle situation

After venting to a good friend who is a pediatric nurse practitioner about Riley not taking a bottle and how stressful that has been for my party nights, she offered to come over this weekend and work with us.  She brought a bag of things to try, including different bottles that we haven't used, none of which worked.  She then tried to introduce finger feeding her, where she used a feeding tube next to her finger, hoping that R would suck on her finger and in turn get some milk.  But, she wouldn't suck on her finger at all.  So she started trying a few different things, including watching how she latched on to me, and figured out that instead of using a thrust reflex and meeting whatever is coming into her mouth with her tongue like most babies do, she's retracting her tongue.  If anything gets too far into her mouth, she screams and starts gagging, which explains why she doesn't like pacifiers, bottles, etc.  So, we have one more bottle coming in the mail to try that has a very short nipple (an Adiri bottle) but if that doesn't work, she showed us how to 'cup' feed Riley using a medicine cup or a shot glass, and Riley actually did pretty well that way.  It's more tedious and a lengthy process, but at least it's a way for DH to feed her if he really needs to.  Hoping it means we're making progress. 
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