June 2012 Moms

Activites for a 2 yr old birthday party?

I posted this question on the 24mon + board, but thought maybe you ladies would be able to help too!

My DD 2nd birthday party is Saturday, and I need an activity for the kids to do.  There will be about 8 or 9 kids, ranging from 2 to 8 years old.  We are doing a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme and I have a pinata, but am now realizing that that will probably not take very long.  I don't want the kids to be bored. 

Last year we painted pumpkins and just recently at her cousins party we decorated picture frames. 

DH suggested making caramel apples, but is that too messy...and too much candy, with the cake, pinata and then the apples...?

Any thoughts or ideas would be great!  Thanks!

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