June 2012 Moms

Blueberry out of the bag

Well - I was trying to keep the pregnancy a secret from my boss and coworkers until at least 12 weeks or when we saw the heartbeat on an ultrasound... didn't happen.

I had to leave school early to make my doctor's appointment and my boss saw me and asked which doctor I was seeing *as I am living abroad and La Ceiba is a super small community.  I told her and she said "oh the OBGYN.... are you pregnant?"

I didn't know what to say!  I didn't want to lie to her but at the same time, it is still so early.  I ended up caving and saying yes but that we aren't really telling people.  Well - news is out and pretty much everyone knows now.  It is nice and scary at the same time.

Because the news it out, I got to ask about maternity leave and all that jazz which is pretty cool.  It is also a relief since I have been so sick, so now my boss knows why I am running out of my classroom.

Anyone else tell their boss yet? 

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