June 2012 Moms

BeBand Target Review

Hey Girls,

Yesterday I bought the Be Band from Target...My jeans were just so tight and I felt more comfortable with them unbuttoned.. was sure this would help to hide the jeans being unbuttoned and give me the support to keep the jeans up! 

Well I just got back from church.  The whole time I was adjusting the darn thing.. the back would bunch and all the fabric would end up on my lower back, nowhere near my jeans!  I complained about it all the way home to DH.. who thought I was overreacting and just blew me off, until we walked into our house and he lifted the back of my shirt and saw what it was doing... he said that looks horrendous... let's just say I will be returning it and breaking down and buying the more expensive BellyBand Online... I just want something that will keep me in my pre-pregnancy clothes as long as possible and right now I'm SOOOOO BLOATED!

Anyone else buy one of these and if so what did you think?

TTC #1: Since 9/20/2011 BFP on 10/12/2011, EDD 6/24/2012 1st U/S: 11/11/11 HB 170bpm BabyFruit Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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