June 2012 Moms

IVF baby(ies)

Hi! I am 5w1d pregnant with either one or two IVF babies. My first beta was 899, and 47 hrs later it was 1,968. My RE scheduled us for the first u/s on the 10/28. Feels like another 2WW.

This is our second pregnancy, but will be our first baby(ies). We had a missed m/c last summer due to trisomy 13. After genetic testing cleared us, we continued w/ the RE through 8IUIs and finally IVF. This cycle we used two of our frozen embryos and it worked. We still have 4 "frosties" in the freezer.

I wish I could say I'm totally peaceful and confident, but I think our past loss and our infertility really takes that carefree, joyful feeling away. I am so happy, of course. I just wish I were farther along so I could feel more secure in my pregnancy. It still feels surreal. I did have my first bout of "morning sickness" at bedtime last night...ugg.

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