June 2012 Moms

Thanks for positive vibes!

Thank you to all those who sent positive vibes yesterday! My progesterone level made it to 10 and I'll be taking my first dose of the progesterone supplement tonight. We're very hopeful and keep telling baby to hold on tight and grow strong. We're so relieved to get the phone call from MW today with good news! Will definitely remain on alert but may actually get sound sleep.
BFP #1 on 10/2/11 - Bambishka's EDD 6/5/12, Blighted Ovum, D&C on 11/9/11
BFP #2 on 2/10/12 - Little Nugget's EDD 10/23/12, Natural Miscarriage on 2/29/12
BFP #3 on 6/7/12 - BB's EDD 2/19/13, arrived 2/18/13! <3<BR> Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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