June 2012 Moms

Thought I would share...

We have had a pretty up and down month and I thought I would share a little of our story:

Late in September DH's Grandfather and Grandmother passed away two days apart. It was quite a shock but knowing that his Grandma was very sick (on hospice) the family was conforted knowing the Grandpa "decided" to go with her. They were married 64 years.

Their dual funeral was held October 1st. When we told DH's parents that we are pregnant, my MIL said that life always follows death in their family (someone always gives birth or finds out they are pregnant shortly after someone dies). She said maybe this will be twins since two people died! She is on the twin-wagon also since she herself is a twin.

We have decided that whether we have a boy or a girl the middle name will be the same middle name as that sex grandparent (so either Leo or Lorraine). Anyway, just wanted to share!

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