Single Parents

all answers welcome please

did anyone's BD come around to the idea of being a dad?

 my BD is in total shock mode and says he doesn't know what to think or feel or do about me expecting. we've only been together 6 months and i'm 10 weeks along. he said he wasn't the type to just up and go, but other than that he didn't say anything.

 i am freaking out because while i want my baby to have a father, i don't want BD to end up feeling trapped and not happy, because that wouldn't be healthy for me, the baby, or for him.

i'd rather him just tell me yes or no, i'll be here or not, and then i can know where to go from there. i definitely don't want to get married at this point either.

am i being too selfish or should i just let the idea of everything sink in?

manda666 *EDD 5/11/12*

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