June 2012 Moms

I wish you all the best.

I had a tiny bit of spotting yesterday so I went to the Dr.  They couldn't find any heartbeat with the transvaginal u/s, and told me I there was the tiniest possibility that the baby could just be too small still, but that I was probably miscarrying.  I went to test my HCG levels which were 192, and I go back tomorrow to see if they're going up or down.  But last night I was heavily bleeding and passed a lot of tissue, so I'm sure they're going to be decreasing.  This is our second loss, but first m/c, we're so heartbroken...again.  I wish all of you sweet ladies the absolute best pregnancies.  Lots of T&P appreciated.
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My Blog
1st BFP 6/7/10 premature delivery at 22w2d on 10/4/10
2nd BFP 10/10/11, EDD 6/2/12,natural m/c 10/13/11 at 6w5d
3rd BFP 12/25/11, Merry Christmas to us!!! EDD 09/07/12, grow LO grow!!!
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
BabyFruit Ticker
Beta #1 @18 DPO: 4,084 Beta #2 @20 DPO: 9669!!!
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