June 2012 Moms

My first pregnancy dream

I had my first pregnancy dream last night.

Background:  I am 7 weeks preggers, and have had really bad morning sickness lately.   I've always been fascinated with the Amish, their lifestyle has always fascinated me.  


My dream:  My dream was that I went to live with the Amish during my pregnancy.  I wasn't allowed to surf the net for baby information, I had to learn from the women in the community.  There were no trips to the drug store, to try another remedy for morning sickness, it was just kind of sucking it up and working through the day.  Outside of everyday work, I was knitting and sewing for the baby.  When it came time for the delivery, there was no hospital (though Amish often go to the birthing center and see a midwife).  I gave birth in the farmhouse, with my amish sisters coaching me through it.   I was in total awe how these women handled pregnancy, with no technology, and no electricity, and typically doing it 8-10 times.

 I think that dream just served to remind me, that women have been pregnant for millions of years, and they have all done with without the internet, without the latest gadgets, without modern medicine.  But through the support of the women around them.  That it's okay to be uncomfortable women have given birth in the back of covered wagons.  And that I need to be thankful for the technology/tools I do have to help me with my discomfort. 

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